Monday, January 21, 2013

Martin Luther King day message

Martin Luther King day message

Probably one of, if not the greatest, leaders in the history of the United States was and is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. You don’t have to be a president, king, or governor to be a leader. In fact some of those ‘leaders’ are not leaders at all and many of them brought the greatest evil in history of this world. A leader does so with their actions. Dr. King lead by example. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate only love can do that.” This quote sums the life and message of Dr. King.

We hear and see a lot of postings of his quotes on this day but do we really take them to heart. Often I get chills reading some of these quotes. His message has sounded like an echo throughout our history and his message is as true as the day he said it. In the eyes of God we are equal. It’s not such an easy concept for our flawed human logic to grasp but it is true. We are all created equal and of free will. We as a human race ignore that simple truth day after day. When one stops and takes a deep thought about that we can understand that this is true but for selfish reasons ignore it. I pray for enlightenment today and everyday. We should use the wisdom of Dr. King to guide you as a leader, as a parent, as a boss… It is those who lead by example and not by an iron fist who will bring light into the world. With so much darkness it is often hard to see the light. “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” You might think that you are just one person. “If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.”

Today as we honor Dr. King I believe if he were alive today he would not welcome being honored but instead ask that we all study his words, let them cycle within our hearts. Let them guide us to a path of enlightenment. “Almost always the creative dedicated minority y has made the world better.”

“I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daylight of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality…I believe that the unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word.”

Monday, January 14, 2013

My top books of 2012

The final books sales are in and the results are listed below. The Orwellian political thriller took the top spot for two years in a row with the romantic story of a man who couldn't shake the tropics after coming home from from vacation and turned it to a life philosophy taking second and the Gettysburg ghost story took third though The soldier's story wasn't far behind and so far after a couple of weeks in 2013 it has the lead though there's plenty of year left. It, along with the other books, will have two new comers to the list this year with "Pieces of the Puzzle," and the sequel to "Visitor's From Yubarri" coming this year. I am currently working on "Pieces of the Puzzle" which my fans have been patiently waiting for a long time. The wait will soon be over. More music coming soon and also currently working on a new song "Waiting on You" sung by Lola de Hanna. I'm hoping to have it done by the end of this week or next week.

1. A Modern Day Animal Farm Tale
2. Island Time
3. Tears of a Green Eyed Angel
4. A Soldier's Story
5. Love in The Big Apple
6. Whiskey on a Heartache
7. Visitor's From Yubarri
8. Love Notes
9. Old Man and the Moon
10. From My Heart to Yours

Saturday, January 5, 2013

New song and upcoming songs

An update on my musical endeavors. I just completed an alternative rock song called "Rock Star," now available for your listening pleasure on Reverb Nation. The song will be part of my rock album "Concrete Roses for Soft Hearts." This song won't be released as a single. The inspiration behind the song was pretty simple, every girl wants to be be their man's "rock star." What a perfect way to tell that special lady what she means to you... total rock star.

The next two songs in the works are also alternative songs with a blues piece in its beginning stages. The next song will be featuring Lola de Hanna (Chordslinger & Lola) on vocals again. She also sang on "Gray Tomorrow" and "Queen of Diamonds." This song is called "Waiting on You" and it's about waiting your whole life for that perfect person to come along. Lots of guitar, piano, and groovy flute solo cast behind Lola's seductive and mystical vocals. It's an upbeat song you can dance to.